Friday, December 9, 2011

By day, I may just be a sad, lonely college student

But by night, I am a mighty conqueror of would-be muggers in Wal-Mart parking lots!
Or something.
Since I already told this story to the cops and my mom and Jim and some other people many many times, I'm not going to tell it to you. Suffice it to say, this is why you should
A. not shop at Wal-Mart alone after 9:00 pm if you are a small to medium sized white girl
B. not park in an area of the aforementioned Wal-Mart's parking lot that does not have any security cameras and is rather far away from the entrance, and
C. really just avoid any and all Wal-Marts that are located in the Antellope Valley.
You should really just avoid the whole area, actually.

On an entirely unrelated note, I still have yet to locate my laptop's missing delete button, so if anyone had a burning desire to buy me a new one of those for Christmas, that would be really exciting. I mean a new delete button, not a new laptop. This is a new laptop.

Behold the glory!
Furthermore, there is a hot dog food truck around these parts that makes the greatest hot dogs in the universe. If you think Pink's is good, it is because you have yet to eat a Dogzilla hot dog. This one here is an all beef hot dog topped with avocado, grilled onion, bacon bits, Furikake seasoning, Japanese mayo and teriyaki sauce. I could live off of these things. Only I would get hugely fat. (Note: I am not saying that Pink's is not delicious. It is. I am only saying that Pink's hot dogs do not hold a candle to Dogzilla dogs.)

So anyway, I was just looking through my sketchbook from last semester, and I came across my favorite unfinished sketch: Jeremy the Bananashark. Eventually I painted this picture in greater detail on larger paper, but I still like the sketch more for some reason, even though it really isn't any good. So here you go, Jeremy the unfinished (extremely phallic) Bananashark sketch.

Happy Finals Week, errbody.


  1. Hey, I did my best reading that paper, I really should have given you a pen x.x

    I think I sent it to the right place. Just makin sure you got the email?



  2. I want to go to that truck with you.

    Also, I love bananashark. I still think you should do that series of ____sharks.
