Saturday, October 8, 2011

What's this?

Why, it's a plush appendix! Seeing as I haven't had an appendix of my own for thirteen years, I believe that this would be an excellent replacement. So if any of you were wondering what I might want for Christmas or my birthday or any occasion at all really, well, this is it. The website that carries it also sells plush uteri (yes, that is the plural form of uterus) and since my own uterus is a little bit, er, challenged I think I may also want one of those. It would go incredibly well on my bed next to my Phillies Phanatic pillow pet. Only not really. You know what I really want? I want my left hand to work correctly and stop hurting me for no apparent reason. Because it is making this typing business seriously difficult. The worst thing about this hand nonsense? I can't open the bottle of ibuprofen which would probably make it feel a little better. But I may never know since I can't open the fricking thing.

Anyway, since my last blog post, several moderately exciting things have happened in my life:
  • I went camping for a week in Utah with Sarah Allen, Nick Fedorko, and Keith Williams. It was fantastic. Also, rather terrifying at times.
  • The day after the grueling 7-hour drive back from Utah, I flew to Pennsylvania with my pops to visit my fantastic east-coast family in Wayne. It was very humid. We saw some guys try to steal a Pontiac.
  • About a week after I got back from Philly, I moved to Cypress with a friend of the family and started going to yet another community college. There are tons of Asians in Orange County and everyone drives very slowly. These two things may or may not be related. 
  • I also got a job working for a small silk screening company, where I stand all day and get generally very sore and tired for $8.50 an hour. It isn't so terrible, except when it's very hot out, or when my right knee starts hurting me. 
  • A few weeks ago, my only good friend moved away to Seattle to go on a mission. A Mormon one. The very few other friends I had are all usually too busy or too... something else to so much as respond to my texts, so actually seeing them on the weekends I come back to the AV is apparently out of the question. I am lonely.

So that's all. It's not ultimately all that thrilling, but I'm okay with it. Now I'm going to keep working on this charcoal drawing because that does not require the use of my lame left hand.

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